Ever placed a drink in a subdued square with a sign saying
“Take a sip” and simply waited to see what would happen? Neither have we!
So it was a first for everyone when bikini-clad dancers,
fire-breathers and Kenyan acrobats took over Melrose Square on Thursday, 5 July
2012. The flash mob, which was for the launch of the hit local TV show Tropika
Island of Treasure 5, dazzled onlookers, who had no idea what was about to
happen on that quiet Thursday evening.
The square, which is central to some of the busiest
restaurants at Melrose Arch, sat quiet while the surrounding restaurants
bustled with diners. Just after 5.30pm, a formally dressed waiter strolled out
onto the square and set a table, complete with a rose in a vase, and poured a
glass of Tropika before putting up a sign next to it with the words, “Take a
sip”. He only had to wait briefly for someone to heed the call. A man nearby
walked up and took a sip of the Tropika – and boom! That was when the magic
Roxana Bouwer, who witnessed the flash mob while enjoying dinner
at a nearby eatery, was caught by surprise, “We had no idea what was going on
at first but it was really fun. The music was great, the dancing was beautiful.
It was happy chaos! There were smiles everywhere – Tropika made our night.”
The show was conceived by creative agency 7Dffrnt Knds of
Smke and produced by Spiral Productions.
Ryan Gandalf van Jaarsveld, strategic director on the project
said, “Everyone knows that the new media space is synonymous with choice, a
place where content is social currency and the audience view/ share content
because they want to, and not because they have to. This means that whatever
you do has to stand out and be BIG. Often brands forget that the consumer
watching the multi-million rand TV ad or driving past the mega-format building
wrap is the same person searching for cool stuff on Youtube or mobile web. It
is awesome working with a client who gets this and has the balls to push the
limit. The risk on this campaign was big. There was no practicing in the square
beforehand. It was performed once, live, no retakes. Respect to the client, Spiral
Productions and our team for making this happen. Hopefully this inspires other
brands – those you would expect to see doing this kind of stuff - to start
pushing it as well.”
For 7Dffrnt Knds of Smke:
Neil Clarence - Creative Director
Ryan Gandalf van Jaarsveld - Strategic Director
Jonathan Corns – Art Director
Andy Bam - Copywriter
For Spiral Productions:
Josh Linberg - Director
Olga Grigorova – Producer
See exactly what went down that evening by watching the video